“The labyrinth is an archetype of wholeness, a sacred place, that helps us rediscover the depths of our souls. It is a walking meditation, a path of prayer.” -The Rev. Dr. Lauren Artress, Creator of the Labyrinth Project at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco
The labyrinths at the motherhouse of the Dominican Sisters are based on the 11-circuit design in the floor of Chartres Cathedral in France. The indoor labyrinth was blessed and dedicated in 2001 on September 29, celebrated as Founders’ Day by the Dominican Sisters of Houston. The outdoor labyrinth installation was done by Marty Kermeen and Robert Ferré in the fall of 2002. Our hope for this labyrinth ministry is to provide opportunity for prayer in an oasis of calm and peace. The labyrinth offers a serene space for the sisters to have an experience of prayerful walking as a creative tool for healing and spiritual enlightenment.
The sacred circle of the labyrinth can symbolize Dominican spirituality, which transforms prayer and contemplation into action. The path inward is a time for contemplation. Once in the center we ask for insight, self-knowledge, and guidance. The same path leads outward for compassionate action in the service of others.
Please check our News & Events page of upcoming labyrinth events.